Study of Jewish LA Website
This study was The Jewish Federation of LA and Brandeis University's census of the LA Jewish population. In my capacity as an Art Director at the Federation, I worked with the project designer, study team, and my creative and PR colleges to develop and market graphic reports summarizing the results of the study. I designed this website using the art from the reports.

While I no longer maintain the site since I left the company, it is still up and the reports remain available.
eBumps Mobile App
eBumps was a startup that allowed drivers to passively generate income by attaching removable, magnetic screens to their car. I worked with them to design an engaging user interface for their app and to develop pitch materials, including these mockups, which helped them secure first round funding.
FOLK Mobile App
FOLK was a tech startup that allowed users to map and share their qualitative experiences of space. It also provided brands with the opportunity to sponsor map layers to showcase their connection to place.

For example, the Budnitz Bikes layer helped users find bike paths and bikable locations around Burlington, Vermont. I worked with their team to develop their mock-up and presentation materials.
Enlightened Arrangements Website
I designed this ecommerce website mockup as a prop for the short film, One Too Many Flowers for Pasumpsic.